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Summer Slump? How Fitness Studios Can Keep Members Engaged All Year Long

By Nichole Herman

May 18, 2023

As the temperature rises and the sun shines brighter, many fitness studios experience a dip in attendance as clients head out for summer vacations or opt for outdoor activities. But the fitness industry has transformed its toughest season into an innovative playground, thanks to technology and digital fitness experiences. You can now give your members more value, both inside and outside of the gym, year-round.

As technology continues to evolve and grow, 80% of gym members today say that they want digital offerings as a part of their workout plan. And, as studio owners, you know just how important it is to meet your members where they are. By incorporating on-demand and video workouts into your fitness studio, you can do just that by offering a range of convenient, personalized, and engaging options that can be accessed by your members anytime, anywhere. 

Keep reading to discover how your fitness studio can build an extensive on-demand and video library to keep your members active and engaged during the dog days of summer.

The benefits of on-demand classes

On-demand classes are a fantastic way to give your members the flexibility they need during the summer months. Rather than adhering to a set schedule, on-demand classes allow members to work out when it's convenient for them. This flexibility can be especially appealing during the summer when schedules tend to be more fluid. With 84% of gym members supplementing with home workouts, on-demand classes you open a new flexible option for your members to stay engaged with your fitness studio.

It isn’t just your business, they’ll stay connected to. For members who are traveling, on vacation, or juggling busy summer schedules, on-demand classes keep them active in your club or studio community no matter where they are in the world. This can be a great way to keep your members excited about heading back into your studios as the summer season winds down.

The advantages of live video classes

Live video classes offer many of the same benefits as on-demand classes, but with an added layer of engagement and community. With video classes, your members work out with a live instructor, receiving guidance and motivation in real-time. This can help recreate the sense of connection and camaraderie that members experience in a physical studio, even when they're working out at home or on vacation.

What’s more, live video classes can be a great way to introduce new members to your studio and expose them to what makes your studio unique. By offering free video classes on your website or social media channels, you can give people a taste of what your studio has to offer and attract new members.

Having a video workout strategy not only better connects you to your members, but allows you to scale your fitness studio revenue. Among the fitness studios using Trainerize, we found that those who implemented a video workout strategy had a 38% higher monthly revenue compared to those who didn’t. The increase in monthly revenue can be what sets your fitness studio up for success during the summer slump but also far beyond.

Best practices for offering on-demand and live video classes

If you're interested in offering on-demand or video classes at your studio, there are a few best practices to keep in mind.

  1. Invest in high-quality equipment and software. In this day and age, your members do not want to watch a lagging, blurry video that keeps crashing or buffering. By investing properly into the right equipment and software, your classes will look and sound great, which is key to elevating your member experience and maximizing your ROI on video services.
  2. Offer a diverse range of classes. For maximum reach, make your classes appeal to a variety of people. If you’re a niche studio (think yoga or martial arts) consider offering a range of classes for beginner to advanced skill levels. Or, if you’re a traditional personal training studio or gym, offer a variety of interests from HIIT workouts to strength training. This opens up your online offer to a wide variety of members and keeps things fresh and challenging.
  3. Let your brand’s personality shine through. There are many reasons why your members love your fitness studio, and one of them is your brand personality. If your fitness studio is known for pushing people past their comfort zone, then let that shine through in your videos. If your studio is known for being peaceful and calming, make sure your videos represent that too. You want your members to feel connected to your videos in the same way that they do to your studio if they were visiting in-person.
  4. Promote your on-demand and video classes regularly. Your members don’t know what they don’t know. If you build an extensive library of on-demand and video workouts, but don’t tell your members, you won’t be able to reap the benefits of video—and neither will your members. Try promoting your new online library through your social channels, email newsletters, and on your website to let your members know about your offerings and encourage them to participate. Depending on the content and channel, you might even catch some new eyes on your studio.
  5. Keep your members accountable–online. As member schedules get busier and they head out on vacation, keeping up with their fitness program isn’t top of mind. As your fitness studio builds out your online footprint, creating an online community can help keep members accountable and encourage them to join classes regularly. After all, you don’t want your members losing all their hard work in a few short months.

Summer slowdowns are an inevitable part of running a fitness studio, but that doesn't mean you have to accept a drop in attendance and head into a slump. By keeping your members engaged and excited about your studio, you can ensure that your business thrives in any season.

Offering on-demand and video classes gives your members the flexibility they need to stay engaged and excited about your studio year-round. And with the right equipment, diverse class offerings, and a strategic marketing plan, you can set yourself up for success now and for years to come.

Don't let the summer slump slow down your fitness studio—build your video library with Mindbody & Trainerize.

Visit Mindbody Integrations

About the author:

Nichole Herman headshot trainerize

Nichole Herman

Guest Blogger

Studio Marketing Manager, ABC Trainerize

As the studio marketing manager at Trainerize—the company on a mission to help studios digitize the member experience—Nichole's focus is on building strategies and tactics that drive growth and helping more studios and fitness business owners discover the power and benefits of Trainerize. When Nichole isn’t building new growth strategies at Trainerize, she’s helping entrepreneurs and small businesses alike scale their business.

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