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How to Intro an Offer They Can't Refuse

By Mindbody

May 13, 2024

Imagine if every first date ended in a marriage proposal only 10 minutes in. Before the appetizer arrives and as the small talk begins—boom. It’s settled. Committed for life. 

You may be thinking...whoa, slow your roll. People need to get to know each other first, make sure they’re compatible, swap middle names, uncover awful habits...yada yada yada. And you’re absolutely right—at least for that marriage to have a chance at lasting longer than my morning bagel. 

So why should it be any different for your business?

People have a lot of choices for how to spend their money and asking them to commit to your business right away is like asking your first date to confirm they’ll be your date at a family wedding 6 months down the line. This is where intro offers come in. Implementing a well-crafted offer can attract new clients to your business and increase the chance they’ll stick around. 

But how do you know what the right offer is? Let’s get into the details. 

Take advantage of Promoted Intro Offers

Introductory offers are always a great way to give a hesitant, potential customer the extra nudge they need to commit, especially when you promote them in the Mindbody app. In fact, Mindbody customer data shows that 90-day retention increases 35-45% when a client discovers you through a promoted intro offer1. When you choose to promote your offer, you can get the attention of new clients by giving it premium placement on the Mindbody app Home, Search, and Deals screens, as well as within your business listing.

Here’s how it works:
Any new or existing pricing option that you sell online and mark as an introductory offer can be promoted and featured front and center on the Mindbody app at the top of the screen. The best part is that it’s easy and free to opt-in—you’ll only pay if a client books at your business. Any discovery commissions are performance-based, which means it will cost you nothing if there are no results.

Here’s how to get started:
To start, be sure to turn on promoted intro offers through the Marketing screen in your software. Then, set up your exclusive offer and check “Promote in the Mindbody app.” To learn more about how to get started, here’s a support article where you can find more information.

Encourage repeat visits

You shouldn’t expect a new customer to immediately commit to your business after just one visit. The whole point is to let them see what life would be like with you in it, so creating an intro offer with multiple or even unlimited classes or sessions can help a potential client start to get a taste of what it is like to incorporate your classes or appointments into their routine.

Set an expiration date

Mindbody customer data shows that fitness businesses that offer at least three sessions in a month at a 30-45% discount see 6x ROI in terms of lifetime customer value1. For spas and salons, top performing offers are typically three sessions at a 35% discount1. These repeat visits make a client more likely to commit (and purchase) with your business in the long run. 

Determine your price

Make sure your intro offer is priced lower than your drop-in rate. Otherwise, your new customer may be tempted to perpetually drop in without committing. Try offering the first month’s membership or pass at a discount of 30-50%. For appointment-based businesses, Mindbody recommends offering a 35% discount for a typical three-session pack.

Define your terms

Tell consumers upfront exactly what they’re purchasing including any terms, conditions, or restrictions. You want to avoid a potential client feeling like you misled them, which can be a deal breaker. It’s easy to provide this information in your price service or receipt notes.

Always follow up

Assign a staff member to be in charge of following up with a customer after they take their first class or attend their first appointment and encourage them to book again. With Mindbdody, you can also pull a report of offers purchased and leverage the Mindbody Marketing Suite to automatically send a follow-up email.

Want more tips on how to get the most out of the Mindbody app?

Read the Blog

1: Mindbody customer data, 2022-2023

About the author:

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Staff Writer

Mindbody is powering the world's fitness and wellness businesses, connecting them with more consumers, more effectively, than anyone else.


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