5 Ways Salon and Spa Owners Can Stay Productive This Fall
September 1, 2023
Articles are everywhere saying we can’t have it all, that the thought of having a thriving career, being a parent and staying healthy is impossible. Well, that's absolutely not true! It is not always easy—and boy does it take a support system—but YOU have to work for it. Habits are actually a really good thing when those habits are good habits. Here are five effective habits that you can apply to your own life as a salon or spa owner to be ultra productive during the season so that you can have it all!
1. It’s time to visualize
Do you have a vision for what you want to accomplish during this season? What about the winter - or the ever-so-profitable holiday season? Believe it or not, 2018 will be coming to an abrupt halt sooner than you think! It is imperative that you know what direction your salon or spa business is heading. Is it possible this vision will change? Maybe, but it is important to have a clear path.
2. Get SMART about your goals
We discussed SMART goals earlier this year, but have you kept up with them? A lot of times we say goals aloud or list some goals in our head, but do you take the time to really think about what your goals are, write them down and associate action steps with each one? Remember the adage: A goal without a plan is just dream. While there is no problem with having a dream, why not make it a reality? So take this time to iron out the fine details of your end-of-year goals and create a plan of attack! Your goals should carry over into action steps that carry over into our everyday life.
3. Manage your finances
Money is something you must learn to manage at your salon or spa. You need to be organized with your finances and keep budgets in check. Remember, there is a difference between financial leverage (having a specific plan and purpose in place to pay back money that you borrowed) and living debt-free. From a business perspective for your salon or spa, there is more than enough room for financial leverage.
Generally, you do it with the intent to make money as well. There is also debt within your means. Living with too much debt is stressful and can make you less productive. When you have debt, someone else owns you as well. If you are living in debt, I challenge you to make a plan, find a system of organization, and create a life that you own!
4. Remember to take care of YOU
You cannot be productive unless you take care of yourself. Putting yourself first will give you more energy, more balance, and overall a healthier you which your family deserves, your spa or salon business deserves, and — most importantly — YOU deserve. The time to eat better, exercise more, and create the best version of yourself starts now. Not tomorrow or next week, but now. You have to carve out the time and make your health and wellness a priority. Just do it!
5. The early bird gets the worm
I challenge you to get up early and start your day ahead of everyone else in your household. That extra time to take care of yourself, get organized, and create a list to tackle the day is so important. I always say wake up early, but make sure you get a good night of sleep so that you have the energy to be productive!