Here’s an Easy Way to Grow Your Customer Base for Virtual Workouts
May 20, 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic means that pretty much nothing is business as usual. Unfortunately, many fitness businesses have had to either reduce their hours or even temporarily close their businesses to help slow down the spread of the virus.
However, just because your community can’t physically be in your fitness studio, doesn’t mean you can’t offer your classes to current and prospective clients. Now’s the time to get creative and bring your studio to them.
A growing number of fitness studios and gyms are taking a virtual approach by offering online classes to stay connected to their clients, help them accomplish their fitness goals, and bring in revenue while their doors are closed.
During times like these, communication is key to keep your clients updated on your studio’s current offerings—including virtual offerings. So how can you make sure your loyal client base and prospects know they can enjoy your classes online? If you’re a Mindbody customer, Marketing Suite has ready-to-use campaign templates tailored to your virtual fitness email campaigns and automations.
Let’s dive in.

Introduce online classes with the Virtual Class Announcement template
Make it easy for members to transition to your digital studio with the Virtual Class Announcement template.
The Virtual Class Announcement template makes it easy to broadcast your new live stream classes are ready. You can send an announcement to your entire email subscription list to let them know how they can continue to work out with you.
Many of your lapsed clients (who may have moved or away or dropped off for some other reason) will be thrilled to join your classes once again. You can even add the template to your new member welcome drip campaign.
Using the template makes sure you’ve covered all the relevant info your clients want to know, including:
- General announcement with a description of how it works
- Add: When virtual classes begin
- How to sign up
- Instructions/equipment needed
- How to view/access video
- CTA button: View Available Classes
Use the Promote Video template
You may also want to promote or highlight a pre-recorded video class in an email campaign or automation to encourage clients to continue staying active at home. Marketing Suite now has a Promote Video template to help do just that.
Like the Virtual Class Announcement, this is a great email to add to your new member welcome drip to share another benefit of membership. You can also email this template to new subscribers to your email list.
You can also send a recorded video as a follow-up to class attendees. Were you not able to spend enough time on core exercises? Send a quick video to the class so they can get even more from their workout with you.
Doing a fitness challenge? Sending out a video is a great way to keep your members engaged and enthusiastic. You can also create campaigns such as:
- Workout of the day/week
- Instructor spotlight
- New class offering
The template includes:
- Image of video
- Class title
- Description
- Instructor
- Add optional upsell messaging, for instance: “Members get access to all recorded classes”
- CTA button: Watch Now
Follow up with the Upcoming Classes template
Don’t forget to send weekly class schedules! You can generate awareness of this week's classes and drive urgency to sign up early to ensure your clients—members and non-members alike.
You can schedule the Upcoming Classes template weekly to make sure your business stays top of mind and that your classes fill up each week.
This template includes:
- Image of video
- Class title
- Description
- Instructor
- How to sign up
- CTA: Sign Up Now
- Instructions on when to expect a link to attend virtual class
Promoting your virtual offerings is crucial to your success. You’re working hard to provide a top-notch virtual experience, and you want to get as many clients in on it as possible. With these templates at your fingertips, it’s one less thing to worry about.